Wednesday, March 7, 2007

On my own!!!

Today after work, Katana and I set out to our favorite field. At 955 grams I was sure that she was anxious to hunt. My feelings were correct and she followed beautifully, taking perches ahead of me as I beat the brush. She flew after 2 rabbits that I flushed with no success. She chased the 3rd one twice, as it kept putting up in the brush. On the 3rd flush the rabbit made the mistake of running into an open area. Katana flew off the tree she was perched on overhead the rabbit, and nailed it with a sweet wingover. For the first time hunting on my own, I heard the rabbit scream and I knew that she was successful. I traded her off the kill and I think that it gets easier with every rabbit. She pouted for a few minutes, then put up in a tree to continue hunting. Working my way back to the car, I flushed 2 rabbits at once, and once she finally decided which one to chase, she followed it to the far side of the field. She reflushed it herself twice, as I was still running toward her, but it got away.
I called her to the lure for a quail, feeding her up for a couple of days off before the weekend. What a fantastic day! Bunny #9 for the season in the bag!

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